Today we cruise the Danube River on our way to Vienna. Tonight we will arrive in time to head to a concert of Mozart and Strauss. It’s a relaxing

Already we are seeing ruins of castles from long ago. I imagine this is the first of many.
Life on the River ship is different from the ocean ships- for many passengers this is their first time for adventure. I remember how we felt when we took that first trip! I had a big need to experience every little thing- this trip I’ve decided to relax, enjoy, see a few sights and have fun. I don’t have the energy level I had 10 years ago but it doesn’t mean I can’t make this trip special for me-

Along with castles we will enter and leave 69 locks along the way..

These canals will be used to deliver us to Amsterdam smoothly. It’s always a thrill to me to watch the gates close and water rush in and bring us up higher. It’s kinda like being a slow Jack in the box- we start down low where no one sees us then pop! Up we come.
Around dinner we dock in Vienna for the next day and a half. Tonight following dinner we will head to a concert of Mozart and Strauss. After all , no visit to Vienna would be complete without music from two great composers! Below are pictures I grabbed while traveling up one floor of stairs ( that meant 3 flights. I thought I was dying!!!)

The concert hall was built into the Austrian stock exchange building. It now houses a residential musical school. We were entertained by a string ensemble, piano and both ballet dancers and Opera singers. We enjoyed it immensely. And of course the final piece was the Blue Danube Walz. Im so glad I had opportunities in my life to listen and learn to appreciate classical styles- I can’t imagine life without Mozart or Strauss. And gosh, Vivaldi is thrown in there too! It was a great way to welcome us to Vienna!
We returned to our home away from home . Tomorrow we explore the old town area full of Cathedrals, castles and history!