This group of passengers have been together for 60 days. As was the custom, the farewell from the Captain was held the day before our last sea day. That last day is always filled with packing,sorting and saying goodbyes. So on Friday evening,It was our turn to officially say goodbye to the crew,officers and ship.For this special farewell,the captain and crew hosted a get together for us. There were plenty of toasts to go around!. The evening started off with a short concert by one of the waiters who has a beautiful voice and on a couple of occasions before he had sang a song in a couple of programs. The entire group of passengers were enamored with his talent and had begged to hear him one more time. I’d be lying if I said there weren’t tears of sadness and joy during his Preformance. We were then treated to a movie that had been produced using clips and pictures taken throughout the journey.It was fun to remember the trip from day 1! Then we had dinner,served by the officers, in the Crew’s Mess! It was so exciting to be allowed into the quarters of the crew. Of course the entire evening was bittersweet as many of those surrounding us have become friends.

The first course was the most delicious crab cake ever.. in fact , I ate Albert’s too! That’s something I must remember to make more often at home!

Our table mates this evening.The two women joining me were my fellow mahjong players. We played almost daily and I can say that my skill level improved somewhat.

Our main course was Beef Wellington. It was way too big a portion but delicious.
Desert was individual baked Alaska which tasted delightful. As we were finishing
The chef and pastry chef brought out a beautiful decoration of Antarctica

Some of the officers.. the great thing about Viking as a business is they fully believe in promoting from within so many of these officers started out as crewmen in their departments. The night was a rousing success and even though we were at times sad, it was such a great feeling of family that everyone at our table left smiling!

Thank you Polaris for the experience of a lifetime!
Thanks for the post, hope Octantis does the same or similar. Looking forward to home and warmth.