Okay, today is cold and windy…but Im ready!

Into the Zodiac we go… Al is equally dressed for the weather.. AND it is windy, cold and there is water being sprayed onto my face,back and legs. Today is a true test of the equipment Viking has given us. Right away there is a gallon of water sloshed into my gloves…and my pants are soaked, but underneath I”m dry. Boy am I glad I wore my goggles! Did you now that the ice has names? Like big chunks are Ice bergs, smaller ones are Bergy Bits,partially submerged ones are Growler’s and really small chunks found together are called Brash ice. During today’s zodiac cruise we got to see examples of all of them.

Immediately after our zodiac ride, we turned around and hoped on a SOB for one last cruise. We were wet and figured why not finish our trip off with another activity .

Well, that would have been fun except for the fact that we were very wet, my gloves needed wringing out, and i found the water pants had done a good job,but not at the waist…. So our SOB ride was rather cold. Im really glad we had our gators and goggles! Our pilot took us out to open sea and looked for whales,sea lions and penguins. We didn’t see much of anything but more ice…. It was still very pretty and Im glad we went.
We enjoyed the last adventures and will remember them always. Tomorrow day and night we have a crossing of the Drake passage again until we reach the Beagle Chanel and Ushuaia. Sunday we start our trip home.

A whale seen today
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