Today we had the fun of heading into sea ice. The captain decided to put the bow right into a pristine piece of sea ice as a background for taking pictures for his Christmas cards . He asked all passengers to make their way to the bow so the picture could be taken. First a picture of all passengers, then a picture of of the 80 LWC passengers and then one of the staff. It was a beautiful backdrop!

We have an exceptional crew!

Cruising on the zodiac to the landing spot.

A preview of the colony

More icebergs on the way.

Ive made it onto land and looking at the colony. There are three or four separate areas that the penguins are nesting. Many of the males are walking on the shore looking for pebbles to take back to a female to build a nest.

Notice the ground color…lots of penguin poop! For once I was glad I don’t have a sense of smell much anymore.. I was told it was horrible! I have hundreds of pictures, but will include only a few more of closeup pictures some of the expedition team took so you can get up close and personal!

Carrying a pebble
It was a great outing and Im happy I got to see so many penguins in one spot!
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