Today Susan and I are heading into the little town where we are docked to visit a local restaurant and taste the local oysters.

Right out of town we run into a giant oyster!

a champion oyster chucker

This is What we came for!

The pacific oyster is the one with the black rim and the flat oyster is the one native to Zeeland, Netherlands. After 1964, when the weather caused a devastation of the entire crop of flat shell oysters. Pacific ones were imported from Japan and they have gone crazy. Now they are the predominate variety and have to be controlled as best as can.

Fishermen in the harbor

The restaurant

Empty bowl of delicious!

Bowls of cockles (my new love),carpet shells and razor back clams.so very good!

One of the local lobsters!
While we were eating oysters, the guys were learning about the flood of 1953 and how the Netherlands attacked the problem with the Delta waterworks.

Inside the museum showing the area

The Delta works regulated how much of the North Sea water is allowed into the area

The town was completely destroyed and this is the new town rebuilt
It was a rainy day to be studying about water so of course it means there is hot chocolate involved

Hot milk,whipped cream and chocolate pieces to add to your milk. Al says it was tasty.

The government used concrete casions that were fromWW2 used as portable docks for the D-day invasion and floated them into place to repair the dike is 1953 after the flood. When the repair was complete,the casions are now used to house a small museum that houses a collection of items used in daily life in 1953 when the flood hit. Thousands died at that time. All of the items were donated from what was left of the homes.
It was a great day for us all. Tomorrow we head to Amsterdam for our final excursion: Kuegenhof gardens