Saturday, December 24, 2022



Well, wish I could say I feel great today and ready to have an adventure but about 12am last night the ship started to rock and roll and wow did my motion sickness kick in…. I took my usual meds but it continued to be an issue for me most of the night.  This wasn’t anywhere as bad as I expect to to be so Im a little leary as to what the future holds for me. Anyway, Breakfast came and went and we headed out on our first excursion of the trip….San Gervasio pre-Columbian site. This is a  Rich Mayan site that was dedicated to IX CHEL, goddess of the moon and fertility.  

To get to the site we traveled by bus outside of San Miguel. The last time we were here was in 1986 and we came by jet catamaran. WOW the city has grown and grown!On our Previous visit the town was little shops and bars, car rental places and that’s it. Today it is a grown city. And Im a grown up now and can’t imagine spending my whole day here drinking margaritas.

We woke up to this next door in the dock.. Virgin”s new ship the Scarlet Lady.  It looks huge and young and hip! We are small sedate and,well, kinda only young at heart . Such a different sailing experience! It shows that today there is a ship and choices for any age and budget.

Anyway,  we walked between the ships and headed out for our adventure. The weather wasn’t great…very windy and rain. We aren’t made of sugar, so of course we headed out.  Our first tour was of the previously mentioned San Gervasio site.  

These ruins have an interesting story of their discovery and as seems to be the case when non natives find them, a sadness. In the 1970s archeologists from University of Arizona, Harvard,and University of New Mexico helped develop more site reconstruction and archeological development of the area.  There was lots of damage done when the original property owner decided to dynamite part of it.  Thankfully, he traded the property back to the Federal government of Mexico( there wasn’t any gold)and what was left of the site was preserved. It certainly isn’t the spectacular site like Chichen Itza or Telum but as it was honoring the goddess of the moon and fertility it was a very special site to the women of the Mayan world.  This was a major city and had a large population until the Spanish came and brought with them smallpox. It was a rainy visit but well worth our time I was hoping to see iguana but had no such luck today.
Heading back to our ship we were able to enjoy our guide David’s humor and the trip went fast. 
Our second trip of the day was a little more active and adventurous: Riding ATV’s through the jungle!!We were told to expect mud mud and more mud.  I looked at my wardrobe and made decisions as to what shirt I could throw out already after only 3 days!As we arrived at our room there was a letter from guest services informing us the activity had been canceled by the tour operators.. Guess the thought of having 25 seniors stuck in the jungle mud was just too much for them.  I actually was relieved as it meant I could get a quick nap in this afternoon and work on this entry.  The wind just walking back to our ship was exhausting.  The secret to successful travel is to always be flexible!

As the day winds down, I’m reminded that today is Christmas Eve. We have never been away from home or some family on Christmas and I’m feeling a little sad. However, the ship is having Christmas carols tonight  and a midnight service led by one of the guest lecturers. The decorations on the ship are beautiful and we managed to bring a few little gifts to exchange.We are so very lucky to be able to be here surrounded by other friendly explorers and with the conveniences of modern life. That is a great gift. 


  1. Merry Christmas, world travelers! I'm following with interest as this kind of cruise is also on my bucket list.

    1. Kerry, this was Al’s wish list when he retired. So far it has lived up t0 Vikings reputation and the compradore among the passengers is wonderful.

  2. Merry Christmas to you. Thank you for your information on the excursion, I really appreciate it for my adventure a year from now.

  3. Thank you! Have a very Merry Christmas. So far everything has exceeded our expectations!

  4. Loving following along! I also live in Tucson. What an adventure!


Saying good bye with class!

  This group of passengers have been together for 60 days. As was the custom, the farewell from the Captain was held the day before our last...