You never know what will be happening when you pull into a port.. it might be a normal work day with people bustling fast to get to work, it might be a national holiday and the only thing open is the tour companies waiting at the dock to show you around a closed city or you might hit the jackpot like we did today! When we got to Hobart it was a Saturday and was the first day of as HUGE wooden boat festival,a National Regatta,and a street market! Wow!! A Trifecta!
When we returned from our tour of the area and wine tasting we decided that the wooden boats would be an interesting stop along the wharf to our ship. I’m so glad we did.
What am impressive reproduction! All along this dock there were wooden, wood masts, and friendly crew who welcomed Al aboard and gave him a quick tour of their ship. The entire harbor was filled full of various ships with one thing in common…they were built of wood!
Here’s a few of them:
Thee builders have every spec to scale even the items found on board the particular ship they are building ( cups, tea,lifesavers etc,) It was amazing.
Then while walking the wharf we saw the smaller wooden boats
A gondola in the middle at anchor

A ChrisCraft (we know of a few in Northern California)
It was a beautiful, but short visit to Hobart and surrounding areas and we have put this on our re-visit list for sure.
Oh and remember my impression of the Tasmanian devil from Part One…this is what a real one looks like!
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