Today we are still sailing towards Istanbul and will arrive tonight around 6pm. The day is filled with activities for us and there’s great joy at having one day to relax. The daily port arrivals and tours can be tiring for someone our age…and getting laundry done in between socializing with others and eating.. always seems there’s eating!!! Anyway, today I thought I’d take time to say thanks to all who have commented and given me support for our pictures. This blogging thing really takes a lot of time and picking just the right pictures our of the usual 100+ we take each day is not always easy. T figured today I’d show you a few of the pictures that didn’t make the cut into the blog but still mean a lot to us.

This was in Auckland while I was scared to death on the America’s cup yacht

The outstanding picture of ??somewhere near Tahiti

Laundry bag somewhere between Australia and Bali

Elephants in the night safari in Singapore

Think Albert had on a red shirt.

Oh gosh.. who knows?

Just one of many self portraits of my finger

The audio box from a hop on hop off buss

Albert’s collection of photos
Blizzard |
Doesn’t everyone have a picture of a snowstorm..except we haven’t been out of the Southern Hemisphere that long.

Screen shots abound

Have no idea whose feet those are. Neither of us have those shoes…

Taking picture from bus windows require styling.. something I’m still learning

Interesting picture including the bus seat upholstery

Have no idea how I got a swash of light
And finally one from our collection of bus flooring.
So take heart and remember to snap pictures all the time while you travel.. some will be great, some will be good and some will just have you scratching your head thinking” old people and technology don’t mix”
Anyway, have a great day everyone and WOW we only have three weeks left on the ship!!!Then ten days in the UK.. Home is coming soon!!!!
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