Well today we visit Messina, Sicily and Al and I took a tour of the parts of rural Sicily where the movies scenes from “The Godfather” were filmed.
Heading into dock this morning.
The above picture is taken as we travel in the bus. Once again the tinted windows cast their color over my pictures.
Our first stop was up the hillside (lots of hills!) to a small town of Forza d’agra. This is an old town on a peak with a higher peak that has the remains of a Norman castle on it that overlooks the bay. Getting there included many hairpin turns up the sides in a large bus…meaning that whatever was oncoming had to stop and back up while we took the turns!
After walking around for a while we decided it was snack break time…

After many curves we come into Frorza d’agra. The importance of this little town is that there is a church that was used at the set for “The Godfather” movies.
Outside the streets were jut as quaint as I had hoped!
After walking around for a while we decided it was snack break time…
After our visit to this town it was time to head to Savoca another film city from the movie. Here we will visit a coffee shop and another church that was used in the movie. Churches here in Sicily are so old and beautiful I can see why they are used as backdrops for filming.Not only that, they often are rather dark and perfect for any film type.
As we drove to Savoca we again needed to travel on curvy bendy roads and close to the guard rail….that was excitement enough!
Then we arrived at the town square…a lovely little area with benches and trees providing shade. Across the street was the coffee shop where a scene ( that Albert quoted to me, just in case I forgot it) where Michael Corleone asks the father for his daughters hand in marriage….You all know Al so you can use your imagination on this one…anyway, we were invited inside to get a sample of good Italian gelato..and was it ever delicious!

Its a modified golf cart but has lots of power to head up the hill at a break neck speed. Lots of fun and certainly worth the 5 euro it cost me! No sweat, no worry!
Its a very small church inside but has a very large patio where the wedding scene was filmed. We watched a few videos when we returned to the ship and sure enough..there was the front of the church! Its kinda cool to see the actual location!
The openings in the wall are where the synagogue was
The openings in the wall are where the synagogue was

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