Thursday, April 6, 2023

More sea days mean more learning, fun and eating @Viking Neptune


When the sun sets on another port and we leave it often times means we will be at sea for a couple of days to get to our next destination. This time, after leaving Mumbai, we will travel 5 sea days before reaching our next stop.. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The biggest challenge for the crew and hotel staff is how to keep 900 passengers who have been traveling for 106 days occupied and contented….The plan includes lectures to keep our minds engaged and learning, cooking demonstrations and lessons, art lessons, bridge lessons and play, and of course great food…
I have been continuing my art lessons and gone from watercolor playtime to calligraphy, to decoupage rip and paste to another more organized water color class. Here’s a few catch up pictures of my attempts 
These are my rip and paste pictures.  This was a fun class and I think it would be fun to continue (I foresee a problem with collecting paper stuff just like fabric -may not be a good idea)

New water color class.. each painting was done in one day

Well, all I can say is Im trying and having fun… no worries about needing a gallery to display my work😂
Next up a report about cooking: We have on board a guest chef this week and he gave a demonstration of Indian cooking. 

Our executive chef on the right and the guest chef. 

The finished products.. I couldn’t get too close to get better pictures but believe me they looked tasty

 Along with cooking and food demonstrations there are several wine tastings. This week was South African wines new to the wine list.

I have to take pictures because by the time I’d like a glass at dinner , I can’t remember the name!
I wonder if Apple knew just how we olddies would use our phones to supplement our memories!

One night the evenings entertainment was a group that sang Opera. I really enjoyed listening to them while Al stayed in the room and watched a lecture on space or something… He’s not really a fan of Opera.. but bot did I enjoy the program and look forward to their next concert. Usually our performers manage to preformed twice. 

Lunch specials abound also.. this was a chili cheese fries that was delightful! I didn’t realize how much I was missing junk food till this showed up! Kinda like a southwestern poutine….

Tonight we will have Lobster dinner by the outdoor pool and an evening of dancing under the stars. The Band on board is a group of incredible musicians and they always play and sing a variety of music for us to listen or dance to.  
All in All, the crew and staff are going out of their way to entertain and delight us. Especially this few days as we are heading into the Bay of Arden which calls for extra security on board.. lets just say I never dreamed my trip would include razor wire and the A-Team….enough said.  Today is Thursday for us and Sunday we dock in Saudi Arabia.. 

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