When you wake up in a port and there’s a rainbow in the sky, you just know its going to be a special day!Today we are in Rhodes, Greece. Home of one of the wonders of the ancient world.. the Colossus. Although an earthquake a thousand years ago destroyed it, the fact remains that that is the first thing everyone thinks of…
the port views

The columns where the colossus supposedly stood before being destroyed in an earthquake in 226 BC.

The old city is surrounded by 12foot high 12 foot deep walls with several gates.

One of the main gates into the city

St. Francisco church and statue

A view of the wall and the Palace of the Grand Masters

Ancient stadium

Scenic shoreline view

As with many of these cities, ancient buildings are found everywhere

The Acropolis. Currently being restored

The resort area along the shore

More ruins

Beautiful view

The aquarium

Looking towards the castle

Municipal building

Heading into the old city via one of the gates.

A sculpture near the

Looking down into the moat area

Walking down the street from the gate. We needed to dodge scooters flying by us.

Al tried hiding in one of the cubbyholes along the road over the moat.

We still aren’t into the city

I see shops!

A Roman ruin not yet excavated

In front of the entrance to the Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes. It was built on the site of an ancient temple site for Helios the sun god. It was originally a Byzantine castle and then taken over by the Knights Hospitallier and became their headquarters. As with most castles throughout history, this one exchanged hands every time there was an invasion from someone else. For a while in recent history, it was a Sumer home for that delightful man Mussolini…
Now Im happy to say it is a well preserved museum and we were lucky to be here on National day so entry was free! Inside on the first floor was an exhibition of ancient artifacts.
Just a few to give you an idea. It was a marvelous collection!



Panoramic view of the court yard with its collection of statues


Courtyard selfie

The upstairs level was a full medieval castle with amazing mosaic floors. Al climbed the stairs and took pictures for me
Aren’t the mosaics amazing?

And the furniture…

Im pretty sure the chandelier is modern!!!!

After the museum we needed lunch

We found a little cafe with great Gyros and Kebabs

On our way to lunch …more ruins

Church of Saint Mary ruins on our way back to the ship

Heading to the main gate
Sculpture by the seaside
Rhodes was an amazing,easy and interesting town to visit and I certainly thin it would be worth another trip back someday
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