WhenI opened the curtains this morning the sun blinded me! Then I noticed the bank of the water and realized we had entered the
Canal. Unlike the Panama ‘canal with its cement locks, the Suez is more like a big big ditch.

Looking backwards and seeing the ships following us. Similar to the Panama, there will be a continual parade both behind and in front of us.

Lots of nothingness….just sand

The large mountains of sand and gravel are made by the continual dredging of the canal to keep the silt from clogging the flow

A little greenery in the distance. This was very occasional and hardly at all

As we came into Ismailia this statue honors the men who dug and toiled to build this canal.

From a distance.


Its quite shocking to see nothing but sand and desert and then…Bang!!!! A huge city!

There were other decorations on the port side of the ship but I missed them…

Looking out at the Port of Said and seeing the Mediterranean Sea ahead.
Today was a slow relaxing Sea day with art classes for me and bridge classes for Albert. Tomorrow we wake up in Haifa , Israel for the next two days.
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