Today Susan and I take the leisurely walk through the city with our guide while Al & Steve attack the uphill walk to a castle.

Spring has definitely made it to Bavaria.

I love looking at the streets and the houses/buildings in the old town of cities. There is always something interesting to see.

A music school

A.E.Hoffman who wrote a story about a mouse king and a nutcracker fight. Later it became the inspiration for The Nutcracker ballet.

Street art

A little fountain in what used to be the Jewish quarter before the war.

Walking through a garden that used to belong to the bishop. His romance garden.

We stopped here at a tourist center for a bathroom break.. a good tour guide for old people always knows where the closest bathroom is! I had to take a picture because this was the most well equiped handicaped bathroom Ive ever see. It included a large diaper receptacle,a hover adult lift,arms that moved and. Gotta say.. it was incredible!

After the bathroom stop, we continues along the small river walking across quaint bridges
Susan, Tyra and I stoped on the bridge showing of the back of the town hall in the distance.

is a classic medieval building in my mind. It is the back of the town hall and was built in the 15th century.
The other side of the building is a huge mural.

A close up shows a human leg in 3D, the angel it belongs to is pointing to a business card painted there that gives the name of the artist. Medieval advertising.

The river on which the town hall sits beside. The hanging rods are for Kyaking racing.

More street sculpture.

The “fork” fountain. It’s a statue of Neptune with his trident but everyone in town called it the fork. A common meeting point. Our guide was a student at University here in Bamberg and is learning teaching. A common thread for the past three smaller towns has been a University. The cities seem very vibrant and alive with lots of students calling the old town areas home.

Remember we are in Germany and the drink of choice is BEER. Many of the towns we have visited have their won breweries and style of beer. Here in Bamberg,the have a particular beer that is smoked. Yep, smoked like a BBQ. Of course we ladies decided we needed to give it a try…even me!

Can’t say I liked it, I only had a few sips. It was dark, kinda tasted like a smoked bacon bit and made my mouth pucker….. I gladly shared most of my glass with my table mates. The consensus was that it tasted”not bad” and everyone was glad they can say they drank one.
we enjoyed a lovely day in Bamberg and after a full day of touring we met after dinner in the lounge for a great trivia contest. Those 138 days of world cruise trivia paid off! With the addition of Tyra and Lenny we were able to come in first!
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