Today we met our guide on the shore of the Danube River in Regensburg. We are still in Bavaria/Germany. The first thing we see is this large abstract gold sculpture of a catfish!The city museum is a nondescript building behind it- modern introduction to a medieval city. The entire city center is a UNESCO world heritage site. It was not bombed in WWII so the buildings are original and therefore OLD. It is the oldest Roman fort north of the Alps

A salt house. Salt was gold during medieval times and Regensburg, with its river access( 3 rivers converge here also) made it a wealthy city. When the stone bridge was built in 1100’s there was a need for a kitchen to provide food for the workers.

This little green house was filled with the smell of cooking sausages! It is the oldest kitchen in Germany!

An old mill workings

The stone bridge ( not built by Roman’s!)

Bronze model of the UNESCO site. There are around 1000 buildings included in the site.

The oldest Roman fort wall and tower north of the Alps

Some good looking tourist

The gate with the keystone. The gate was the inspiration for the stone bridge built later.
David and Goliath building

Tower building. Merchants used the first floor for selling and lived above. The top floors weren’t really built as house- no stairs or floors- all for show to give impression of opulence and wealth. If the family needed money the stones, which were expensive, could be sold off.

Another example

The town hall

Royal entrance to town hall

Easter Bavarian outfits in store windows

Art in an alley for a Spanish tapas bar

The small key lock in the wall opens a box that contains keys to every building in the medieval town. The fire department has the master key and will use these if there is any emergency fire. Most of the buildings are wooden structures so fire prevention and readiness is utmost important

Medieval street today

Alley heading to the church

The cathedral . I might mention that the previous Pope, Benedict, was from Regensburg.

Inside was beautiful but dark. The stained glass was original and so rich in color!

It amazes me every time I enter a medieval church how magnificent the human soul is to produce such beauty
After our tour ended at the cathedral, we went in search of the Dachshund museum. Yes you read that right!
Today was the 6th anniversary of the museum opening so the admission was free.if you have an obsession with your “hot dog” this is the place for you.

Every cabinet and space was taken up with dachshund figures,figurines and stuffed toys. Tea pots shaped like dachshunds, cocktail picks, you name it they have it in the shape of the dog
After the excitement of the museum we headed back to the ship. The weather has changed to damp rainy and windy so we are finished with touristing. On the way back we stop at the sausage kitchen and get an original bratwurst to snack on. It was delicious! The sauerkraut melted in my mouth. A great end to a great day!!
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