Sunday, October 13, 2024

I thought yesterday I was in a foreign country.. Today I know Im in a foreign country


Quebec City! Awaking this morning with the sun peaking through the clouds and the dock workers busy with their cranes and front loaders filling the ship up for the next phase of the voyage. It was a constant activity for most of the entire day!
Our morning will begin with the included tour, a bus ride around the important parts of Quebec City.
For a feeling of European culture, visit Quebec City.  Everywhere the architecture confuses your mind to think”ah! Europe is lovely…. Except its North America!!

We drive by houses and stores in the old Town

I have no idea what most of these building are for, but I certainly enjoyed looking at them.

Above is a sculpture of books.. something about having knowledge at our hands 
Lots of sidewalk dinning

It doesn’t show well but this light yellow building is curved.
One of the old city gates between lower city and Upper city

The oldest house in Upper town

More European architecture 

Look closely, there are giant lampshades covering the city lights surrounding the area of the Museum of art.

A view of the river and some fall colors

can you tell Im always looking for city art?

  Im forever amazed by the fascinating artwork we’ve seen world wide.

The classic well known symbol of the city sits high in the Up town. The Le Chateau Frontenac. When we woke up in the morning it was one of the first things we saw high on the hill. It is included in every picture of the city.  It was Never used as an actual chateau, it was always built to be used as a hotel. Dignitaries, Royalty and the very rich have all stayed there. 
It is certainly worth the hype! 
Front entrance

The main lobby 
A huge terrace encircles the Chateau. From there you can see all of the lower town area and even the ships coming into port.

 More artwork, old and new!
After a walk around the chateau and terrace we drove out of town to see the Montmorency Falls. Even though this falls seems smaller compared to Niagara, it is over a hundred feet higher. 
A small waterfall and Autumn color on the way to the Falls. Walking along the boardwalk towards the falls
The obligatory selfie.. Im working on getting everything important in the picture!
There was a cable car up to the top of the falls and this guy…
Heading back into the city we saw more fall colors.
Lower town walking

Again, European city feel

My first wildlife sighting

Afternoon tea
Wanted to bring this one home for Jody and Val  but Al said it wouldn’t fit in my suitcase.
A European walk back to the ship.
Evening drinks while watching the sunset over Quebec City

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OMG- the wind can get cold in Canada!

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