I woke up early (7:30) and ran upstairs to the open deck to catch the launching of the weekly weather balloon. Because one of the Ship’s research partners is NOAA ,both expedition ships in the Viking fleet are continually doing research. I managed to just make perfect timing for this morning’s launch. Leave it to Viking to provide an excellent experience… hot coffee with additives and musical entertainment to help this balloon have the best journey of its life! Anyway, after a rousing passenger chorus of “Sweet Caroline” the chief scientist and assistant s gave the countdown the balloon was sent on its way to record data for NOAA.
It was really fun to see it go up,up away!
After breakfast, it was time to gather our QV ( portable microphone: quiet box allowing the guide to speak normal volume and all us oldies can hear)and head to the A deck to catch our tender. Because of the coastline, this is another tender port that means getting into the tender boats and traveling to the shore. Inside where the pilot controls the tender.

I can happily say the ship’s doctor and nurse were the kindest healthcare professionals. After assessing me they gave me a very hurtful shot(,warned me ahead of time!) and gave me some meds to take for the next few days. I got a wheelchair ride to my room and a three hour nap! I have a newfound appreciation for those who have suffered Vertigo.
Along with a very competent nurse, Yolanda, Dr Moonsamy fixed me up fine and tonight i almost feel back to normal. No more drunken walking and finally my head seems to have stopped spinning. Tomorrow we are arriving in Detroit and I’ll try once again to walk on land.
Glad you are feeling better after that unfun experience!