Our view this morning upon opening the curtains in our stateroom. A little dreary and gray,but gain its magnificient!
Once again we suit up in our outdoor gear, which consists of long underwear,pants,waterproof pants,waterproof boots,red Viking jacket with puffer under jacket,neck gaiter,hat,gloves and life jacket. When Im done getting dressed I look like those toy webbles we used to buy for the kids. I wobble but I don’t fall down! Anyway, into the zodiac once again saying goodbye to our ship as we head for our first zodiac landing.
Coming into shore…then we hit the ground,roll out of the zodiac into the water and walk to shore. And when I say “roll out” that’s exactly how it works. You swing your legs up onto the sides of the zodiac and roll out.
Our zodiac group

I love this picture below, it reminds me that every day is an adventure waiting to happen.
This afternoon Albert had his first of two big adventures…he went out in the yellow submarine Ringo for a dive into the deep.
Next post will be devoted to his adventure!
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