To work off the delightful lunch we headed back out in a zodiac to do more exploring.
In the zodiac . Our driver,Laura, gave us the usual safety lecture and off we went. The beauty of the zodiac today is that we can slowly cruise along the shoreline and look for wildlife. Because of the distance the ship had to stop, due to the ice, the zodiacs don’t have enough power to get through the ice field close to the glacier..so this trip we look for wildlife.
Oh ,Sandy! How I wish you were here along with all my rock loving friends! The striating coastline from Technonic plate movement ( see how I sounded scientific there?) has made the most wonderful rock viewing!!!

And when looking at the rocks you need to look carefully and closely and perhaps you will be rewarded!
A nesting pair of kelp ducks? Anyway, no matter what they were, it sure was fun to see this pair. I keep forgetting that it’s spring here and of course its the right time for nesting!
This was quite the waterfall…and of course we decided to get close and personal with it. Afterall what fun is just looking at waterfalls without really experiencing..
Closest! Sitting underneath and getting hit with cold mountain stream water! After the spring shower there was just enough time to head back to the ship and get the toys put away before we sail away from the Chilean Fjords and head excitedly towards the Cape Horn. It was undecided if the weather would bless us with being able to take the long way around to Ushuaia Argentina. The weather Gods must be with us this trip because shortly before we leave the Captain notifies us that the Cape will be our next agenda item! To think I am getting to travel in luxury comfort around one of the most dangerous passages that early explorers died trying to do….It blows my mind to think about it! Here I am with anything I want available to me and Magellan,Darwin,Anson, the crew of the Wager all barely survived making it around the Horn… I am so damn lucky to be alive and able to experience this!

And when looking at the rocks you need to look carefully and closely and perhaps you will be rewarded!

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