We celebrated New Year’s day at Sea…
New Years Day Brunch desert table

Food sculptures

Mimosas on the bar waiting to find a home.
New Year brunch made sure we wouldn’t need to eat the rest of the day! I only show you the desert table…cause that’s the bet part….
Sea days are days to relax and recharge…..Except we are cruising with Viking… and they encourage life learning… so in between pool time,Al and I will do our best! It helpful that the guest lecturers are interesting, fun and make their subject matter seem very interesting. New Year’s Day we learned about Citizen Spies, pacific coast Whales, and the Artemis generation. In the evening we were entertained by Roy Tan, a pianist who entertained us with his talent at the grand piano. On Monday we spent time participating with daily trivia contests ( we usually come in second) time in the pool relaxing and learned about body art in the new world..yes, I kinda want a little ink now….and learned facts about whales, dolphins and the ocean world they inhabit. Our evenings are busy too..

Gin Tasting. It was fun to discover new tastes and possibilities
I was glad I walked a mile and a half around the ship walking track today!
Tuesday brings more relaxation, trivia games, puzzles and food. Today we learn about Space and Art, Islands in history and Spies everywhere! Noon trivia kept us again on our toes ended up in second place… Our Trivia team now has 8 members and the diversity really helps with our guessing! Tonight we have a chance to meet with the guest ventriloquist to find out how to throw our voice, build models and learn everything needed to be a ventriloquist.. Im skipping this cause Ventriloquists fit along side clowns and magicians in the top things that really creep me out ! The ventriloquist had a funny act, but never going to be my favorite thing!!!After a quick lunch today we all headed to the first of many wine tastings offered.

Today we tasted French wines. It was informative and lots of fun! I can’t wait to do more. The Wine steward was informative and used humor to make sure we enjoyed every minute of our time. I found a couple of wines new to try and look forward to having a glass now and then.
Our friends and traveling buddies, Steve and Susan joined us for the fun. Traveling with friends is the best!!!!
The rest of our day will include a walk around the ship to get a little exercise, pre dinner cocktails and a wonderful dinner followed by ‘Bruce’s Brain Busters” the evening trivia that really tests our knowledge…I think my brain really does bust! Tomorrow is our last sea day before we anchor near Cabo San Lucas. One more day to relax. Al has been busy each day playing bridge and loving every minute of it. I love the pool. Overall the cruise so far has more than met our expectations. It will be interesting when we finally get to Los Angeles and we say goodbye to those that were only on the cruise for a short time and Hello to the next group of World Cruisers who join us. I expect the dynamics to change dramatically when we become one group for the next 128+ days. Many of the staff are staying on and will be with us until at least March so I expect an immense bonding event!
I love this!! Glad you are keeping busy on the sea days!!