We awoke early this morning to watch our travel into port.
After another great breakfast we headed out for our included tour. A brief drive through parts of the downtown, including China Town and then on to Pearl Harbor.
Let me start by saying Pearl Harbor Historic place is now under the jurisdiction of the National Park service. They have developed many significant ways to tell the story of what happened that day and what it brought to the future at the time.
We were lucky when we arrived that we immediately got into the standby line to head by boat to the site of the Arizona battleship.
The Navy runs a shuttle boat every fifteen minutes out to the site. On board they reminded everyone that this is a grave site and to turn phones off, be respectful and adopt a quiet demeanor.
At the end of the memorial building is the wall of names. Any of the survivors can also have their ashes brought back to the ship for interment to be along side their fellow sailors. 45 have chosen to do this.

While the trip out to the USS Arizona was impactful, the entire park is focused on telling the story of the event. After we returned to land, we took our time to walk around and follow the story of that day.
Al and Steven decided to tour the submarine that was on the grounds. They took pictures of each other through the sight of the guns on the Sub. Above is Albert. Below the picture of them also shows the USS Arizona and a docked destroyer in the background.
This statue reminds me of how my father looked whenever he left home for his two weeks active duty with the Navy Reserves!

After we returned from the tour, Al & Steve decided to take a walking tour of the historic section of downtown. Below are Al’s pictures. I took a nap instead.
Tonight we decided to have dinner aboard and look forward to actually sleeping in a bed that doesn’t rock!
What a beautiful sight! The Aloha Tower lights up at night!
Tomorrow another day of exploring Honolulu.. We are walking to Waikiki Beach and shopping at Hilo Hatties!!!
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