When we returned to our ship from our excursions today there was excitement in the air! The amount of activity was like being in a beehive. Everyone was talking about the Naming Ceremony. Our ship ,The Viking Neptune, is the newest ship to the fleet and what better place to have the naming ceremony that in Los Angeles where the full compliment of World Cruise passengers are aboard. This World Cruise is considered the maiden voyage for Neptune.
The pool area has transformed into a cocktail event area and fresh flowers adorn cocktail tables. On the bow of the ship flags are flying, chairs for dignitaries set up, and a stage for the ceremony is ready.
Every Viking ship has been blessed by its very own Godmother. Typically a civilian woman who is invited to sponsor a new ship. They can include royalty and celebrities. There were plenty of guesses who would be our Godmother here in LA. I can say that the company picked just the right woman for the job…NASA Astronaut and Aquanaut Nichole Stott. Her experience includes two spaceflights, 104 days spent on the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle. She preformed one space walk and was the first person to fly the robotic arm to capture the free flying HTV cargo vehicle. She was also a NASA
Aquanaut who lived and worked for 18 days in the Aquarius Undersea Habitat. She is an author and an artist.
She offered a blessing of Good Fortune and safe sailing for the Viking Neptune
The name chosen by Viking reflects the use of names reflecting the Cosmos.As the Original god of fresh water, the ancient Romans believed that Neptune was God of the Sea. Regarded as the planet of spirit, mysticism and imagination, Neptune is a fitting reflection of our Godmother’s pioneering spirit.
She was here to break the bottle of Aquavit against the bow and our ship was officially names Viking Neptune. She joins Star, Sea,Sky, Sun,Orion,Jupiter,Octantis and Polaris in the Viking Fleet of Ocean going vessels. The theme of Viking ships is exploration and that is exactly what we are doing!
We watched from the pool deck as the Viking handed the Ax to the Godmother to cut the ribbon allowing the bottle to crash against the bow. The owner gave a brief few words on how the company is doing and the acclaimed vocalist Sissel sang songs of tribute. Al in all it was a wonderful event and certainly a surprise to be able to participate in it. We returned to our rooms and found another gift from Viking…a copy of Nicole’s book

It was a magnificent end to our visit to LA. We also had a brief note from our captain in our rooms apologizing for a change in our itinerary. Due to the weather conditions both current and expected, we will be skipping our port call of Santa Barbara and heading south to the islands of Hawaii. This gives us an extra sea day to deal with. I find these days extremely relaxing although at times they are incredibly busy with learning.
My new learning is watercolor…..more later on that.
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