After last night’s introduction to the city of BAth with the comedy tour, this morning,after a relaxing breakfast, we are going to head out and grab the Hop on Hop off Bus and take a ride around the city.. We have found these buses to be a great way to orient ourselves to the area and get to at least see most of the sights. Then we pin point the ones that really appeal to us and look into them further.

Hidden amongst the botanical garden is an interesting housing development from the mid 1800s. Curved and beautiful

Limestone is almost the only building material seen here. The stone was mined near here.

Everywhere there are statues and monuments!

These small little houses were for the servants to stay in until they were needed to take a Sudan chair up to the homes in that circle and carry the occupants down to the Roman Baths for their treatments. In between times they could stay in these little buildings/

Look closely, there are a few windows bricked up, that is on purpose so the owners wouldn’t have to pay as much in window tax!

Another monument, this one to queen Victoria, who never visited Bath again because a news reporter called her attire “frumpy”

Close up view. It was quite colorful.

It was from this post office the first stamp was mailed in the UK.

A church spire. This is not the Abby..Every church in town looks similar to a smaller version of the Abby.

The square in front of the Abby

The Abby from across the road.This is the second or third one built on the same sight.

Train bridge

Over 55 housing in what used to be a hotel.. they have a perfect view of the river and the downtown.

Train station

Jane Austin’s house where she stayed with her parents during visits to Bath

Queen’s square

Views of the “circus” homes that made a complete circle around the center park

View in the background of “the Crescent”

Entrance to the park

A gold course for begging in golfers…the fairways are mowers flat but the rough is about knee high grasses! Don’t think I’d be to excited to learn to play there!!!

Jane Austin’s home when as an adult when she wrote a couple of her novels.

The last built circular bank of homes.

The river Avon ( which actually is RiverRiver in Celtic!)

Narrow Houseboats on the river

Architecture on one of the bridges.

Countryside viewing while on the skyline part of the tour. The Vistas were amazing.

An old toll house.

Look at the number of chimneys!

A private bath available for rental…

Susan and I ended our day shopping in the local store for dinner items and had a snack of a ham and cheese toastie for lunch

Tonight we sampled a variety of PIES…
Tomorrow we look for Druids!
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